Slumdog Millionaire may have won Oscars for India but the image of India which this movie has projected is not the image of real India. Is India all about slums, beggars and poverty? I am not denying that India is home to biggest slum in Asia but projecting one side of the coin and getting award for the same is not praise worthy. There are people around the world who had never heard about India and now they know India as – ‘home to slum dwellers’, ‘poor and corrupt nation’ only because the movie has won Oscars for Slumdog Millionaire. We have produced movies like Lagaan which spoke about the evils of British Raj but since it spoke about deeds of ‘Gora log’, we missed our chance at Oscars and when one of the ‘Gora’ produced ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ , a biased movie which spoke only about poverty, child molestation and beggary in India, they went all ga ga at Oscars.
Every Tom, Dick and Harry in India is praising this movie as it has won Oscars. Let us sincerely ask our conscience, is the movie worth it? Is this movie depicting true picture of India? How many of us would have bothered to watch the movie and praise it had it not won Oscars? I guess there is hardly anyone or else movies like ‘Wednesday’ and ‘Mumbai meri Jaan’ which is based on Mumbai bomb blast would have been at the top of chart in rating.
Well! My personal opinion is that the movie is an exaggeration and I would rate it as porn – ‘POVERTY PORN’.
Hi Amit,
Wanted to add a few more things:
Reasons slumdog millionaire won:
1. Showing Indians bathing in human excreta
2. Showing (white) Americans in favorable light opposed to Indians
3. Condemning our beloved Sri Ram
4. Protagonist is a Muslim
5. Depicting Hindus as rapists and murderers
6. Frieda Pinto is of great importance (see the community man.....Roman Catholic Christian)
And the people who say it is a feel good and uplifting film evidently need some personal upliftment of their own which is perhaps not possible with the vast amounts of hashish and marijuana used by them.
Hi Amit,
You could not have been more right. Our favorable opinion of Americans and other westerners as having changed and become more benevolent is dashed to the winds (though some are still OK). It is nothing but malicious and evil enjoyment at seeing Indians wallowing and swimming in human dung, which I am sure no slum person would voluntarily do on an everyday basis. The sangfroid they gain is born from their frustration at us Indians excelling and snatching (can you really call that) their jobs with our hard work and perspiration.
What the Great Americans have given us is one of the greatest recessions of our time.
Amit, I am particularly shocked at the scene where the kind and just Americans show the real America to us poor, ignorant and nasty Indians. They are well advised to go to Goa and Kerala where their kind countrymen are doing unspeakable acts against the children of this nation.....they have made Goa, Kerala, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Agra and other places pedo paradises.
Brother....just scratch the surface of an American to understand the extent of Xenophobia, racism and communal (christian) values rise to the surface.
But we should not blame them....we should blame our own countrymen. If a person behaves like a dog with its master...he will be treated like a dog.
God save my countrymen.
Hey Ulhas,
Thanks a ton for your fantastic inputs..
I think the director has used all his imaginations about Slum dwellers and in simple words used them to project whatever he wished.He didn't even care to ask one of them if they can go to the extent of taking dip in human excreta for autograph of Amitabh Bachhan.Everybody in Indian film industry is gung ho at this movie making a statement in oscars but nobody cared to ask the poor people what do they feel on what is shown in the feel. The world is all about glamour.
So, far as reccession is concerned, entire America lives on credit and that is why they have no place to hide now. The practice is living on credit is now causing lots of damage to the developing and under developed nation and America solely is responsible for this melt down. I feel very sad that we Indians are also going towards the credit and inheriting this habit from Americans. But the rural India is still insulated.All thanks to out fore fathers who taught us to save for tough times.
Just have a look at the recession pics:
Thanks buddy.Thanks once again. Keep wriiting.
Hi Amit,
Infact, when I saw Slumdog I was surprised that why I cannot find that sense of exhiliration in myself for a movie which has one Oscar for us..Now my doubts are confirmed after reading through your blog.
Any given day "Taare zamein par" is a much deserving movie than rest of the crap they make in the name of movies..
Oscars: awarded randomly to any movie. Still havent been able to understand its concept. Maybe they give it on how the story (whatever the heck it may be) has been portrayed (one thing in movie which i am not concerned with). So i cant say anything about oscars.
Next about the movie. Why is everybody getting so passionate about it? Its a good movie no doubt. For all those of you who thinks that it hurts image of India then I would like to say two things: First this is also a part of India (which all those of us who are sitting on computer may not be part of). Second its a movie and its supposed to be fiction. So stop thinking and just enjoy it. Music was nice, storyline too and it moved fast. Was not in any way boring. Donno about acting (not a critic eye) but must be nice if everyone is saying so (who cares). So why not to enjoy this movie?
As for comments of Ulhas (whoever he might be) rise up from 'our beloved Sri Ram' and 'Muslim' to humanity. Just wondering in how many different ways you were able to divide the humanity from small comment of your (white/black, hindu/muslim/christian). thanks to people (and politicians) like you ours is such a divided society. (you forgot about division on caste or could have made a few more classes).
Shashank !!
Let it be a movie and enjoy liek a movie..How many people in India or across the world take it like that...
If that be so..let's show a rosy picture of India and win oscars..Why not do that..
I dont agree with you..I dont like my country being projected as bottom less pit and that too when it is not..
i always watch a movie for fun. never associate fiction with my brain.
second dont give a damn to oscars and awards so cant argue anything about that.
also i dont care what others think of me, my family country whatever. i am satisfied the way everything is. ofcourse there is room for develpment but ok i will survive. and for outsiders if you have some image then ok live with it. why should i care if a foreigner has a bad image about my country. why instead of wasting my time on trying to improve the image why not spend it on really improving the country itself (as i said there is always scope of improvement).
all i can say that if you feel bad for this movie then its understandable as for myself i enjoyed it! end of story. and yeah hell with what others think after watching this.
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