Saturday, April 4, 2009

Obama takes a U turn and praises India at G 20 Summit !!

Thomas Freidman, author of the famous book, 'The world is flat', once said -

"When we were young kids growing up in America, we were told to eat our vegetables at dinner and not leave them. Mothers said, 'think of the starving children in India and finish the dinner.' And now I tell my children: 'Finish your maths homework. Think of the children in India who would make you starve, if you don't.'"

Now it was turn of most powerful man in the world who finally acknowledged the potential of India and soon after meeting Mr. Singh at G 20 Summit issued a surprising statement. The statement reminded me of Mr. Bush who had very friendly relationship with Mr. Singh.

"First of all I should say that your Prime Minister is a wonderful man. He is wise and decent man. He (Singh) has been doing a wonderful job in guiding India even prior to being the Prime Minister along the path of extraordinary economic growth. That is a marvel, I think, for all of the world,"

All through his campaign before being elected as president, Obama had been against the outsourcing industry which meant loss of Job for his own men and more jobs for Indians. He is a smart man and also knows the fact that India is quite competitive when it comes to cost and has publicly warned American people to cut cost and expenditure to compete with India and China. When statements like this come from the most powerful economy in the world, there is no question as to why we should have doubt in our potential. We are a billion people nation and have all the potential to keep growing even in hardest of times which living generation has seen so far. The above remarks made by President Obama shows that he is also keen on a fruitful relationship with India be it for cheaper outsourcing Industry which is the backbone of US or to combat terrorism in Pakistan which is a major threat to US economy.


Niti said...


well written..

Amit Khandelia said...

Poor Americans !!

Obama and his nation talked about equal opportunity for entire world and just a week after G20 Summit when it's about using Indian steel for Obama's home, workers are protesting...

What is the need to make tall promises when they can't be kept ??

Shetty Priyanka said...

good writing..
thanks for stopping by at my blog.. :)
are u d amit khandelia i know from school days??

Amit Khandelia said...

Thanks for dropping in Priyanka !!

I really dont remember, you can have a look at my profile @ orkut / Linkedin (link is there on homepage of my blog) will give you a fair idea..

Keep writing..